onload="ini();" onunload="colours1.close();" >

Prodigy Graphics

Request For Estimate

Prodigy Graphics will process your estimate on a first come - first serve basis, irrespective of the mode of communication of the requested information. The estimates are a reflection of the data provided and only accurate if the data that is provided is the actual information for the job that is tendered to be executed. Please review all specifications on the estimate, when you receive it, and verify that the estimate is the actual specification of the request that was made. Any errors or misconceptions in relating the estimate to the request shall be borne by the submitter. If the estimate is accepted, then the client accepts and holds all responsibility to its accuracy.


    Briefly Describe The Job To Be Estimated:


   Prepare The Estimate For: 

Title: *

Organization: *
Street Address: * ">
Address (cont.):   ">
City: * ">
State/Province: * ">
Zip/Postal Code: * ">
Country: *

Telephone: * ">
Extension:   ">
Cell Telephone:   ">
Fax:   ">
E-mail: * ">
Save Contact Information On This Computer  
Information will be stored in cookie form
Please note, fields marked with *(asterix) symbol are required fields

 Select The Materials You Will Supply:

No. of scans  Scans: 

No. Of Hi. Rez. Proofs:   (Max Output Size: 11 x 17")  

Output Images To:   

When Processing Digital Files An Ink Jet Plotter Proof Will Be Provided In Full Size For Checking Colour
Break, Imposition, Content, Layout, Die Strike Position and Size. This Proof Is Not Reliable For Colour.

Page Information, Stock & Imposition 
  No. Of Inside Pages:     No. Of Cover Pages:    
Finished Flat Size Inside:     X   Plus Bleeds

    Prodigy Graphics inventories stocks listed in field below.
The stock in inventoried in Rolls and sheeted to specific sizes.

Inside Stock Supplied By: 
Stock Supplied For Inside: 
Inside Imposition: 

Ink Colours Inside:



Ink Colours Cover:




Finished Quantity Required

 Qty #1: " tabindex="46"> Qty #2: " tabindex="47">  Qty #3: " tabindex="47">  Qty #4: " tabindex="49">  Qty #5: " tabindex="50">  Qty #6: " tabindex="51">


Prodigy Graphics

Request For Estimate

" . $description . "
"; if($addr2!="") { $email_text = $email_text . " "; } $email_text = $email_text . " "; if($ext!=""){ $email_text = $email_text . " "; } if($cell!=""){ $email_text = $email_text . " "; } if($fax!=""){ $email_text = $email_text . " "; } $email_text = $email_text . " "; if($no_hirez_proof!="0"){ $email_text = $email_text . "";} $email_text = $email_text . ""; if($cover!="1") { $email_text = $email_text . " " ; } $email_text = $email_text . " "; if($cover_pages!="0"){ $email_text = $email_text . ""; } $email_text = $email_text . "
Name: " . $contact_name . "

" . $title . "

Organization: " . $company . "
Street Address: " . $addr1 . "
Address (cont.): " . $addr2 . "
City: " . $city . "
State/Province: " . $state . "
Zip/Postal Code: " . $zip . "

" . $country . "

Telephone: " . $work . "
Extension: " . $ext . "
Cell Telephone: " . $cell . "
Fax: " . $fax . "
E-mail: " . $email . "
Scans: " . $scans . "   "; $email_text = $email_text . "
No. Of Hi. Rez. Proofs: " . $no_hirez_proof . "
Reduce Hi. Rez Proofs: " . $reduce_hirez_proof . "
Output Images To: "; if($cover=="1") { $email_text=$email_text."C.T.P. (Computer To Plate)"; } else { $email_text=$email_text."Film";} $email_text = $email_text . "
Film Supplied: " . $supplied_film_specs . "
Step To : " . $no_up_stepping . "
Dyluxes Required: " . $dylux_required . "
Page Information, Stock & Imposition
No. Of Inside Pages: " . $pages . "
No. Of Cover Pages: " . $cover_pages . "
Finished Flat Size: " . $width . "  X  " . $length . ""; if($bleeds=="1") { $email_text = $email_text . " Plus Bleeds (" . $bleed_value . ") = " . ($width + $bleed_value) . " x " . ($length + $bleed_value) . "\""; } $email_text = $email_text ."
Inside Stock Supplied By: " . $stock_supplied_by . "
Inside Stock Size: " . $stock_size . "
Stock Supplied For Inside: " . $stock_name . "
Inside Imposition: " . $imposition . "
Cover Stock Supplied By: " . $cover_stock_supplied_by . "
Cover Stock Size: " . $cover_stock_size . "
Stock Supplied For Cover: " . $cover_stock_name . "
Cover Imposition: " . $cover_imposition . "
Ink Colours
Front: "; $email_text = $email_text . trim($_POST["ci"]);//$front_process; $email_text = $email_text . /*" + " . $front_pms . " + " . $front_pantone . " + " . $front_metallic . " + " . $front_fluorescent . " + " . $front_varnish1 . " + " . $front_varnish2 . " + " . $front_coatings .*/"
Back: " . trim($_POST["cib"]) . /*$back_process . " + " . $back_pms . " + " . $back_pantone . " + " . $back_metallic . " + " . $back_fluorescent . " + " . $back_varnish1 . " + " . $back_varnish2 . " + " . $back_coatings . */"
Finished Quantity Required
 Qty #1: " . $qty1 . "
 Qty #2: " . $qty2 . "
 Qty #3: " . $qty3 . "
 Qty #4: " . $qty4 . "
 Qty #5: " . $qty5 . "
 Qty #6: " . $qty6 . "


"; //$strMailTo = "Andy "; $strMailTo_email = ""; $strMailTo_name = "Max"; $header_mail = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\nSubject: Estimation Form\r\nFrom: Estimation Form\r\nTo: " . $strMailTo_name . "<" . $strMailTo_email . ">\r\nX-Mailer: Prodigy Graphics\r\n"; sendmail($strMailTo_email,$strMailTo_name,$header_mail,$email_text,0); sendmail("","Estimator",$header_mail,$email_text,0); ?>  

Dear !

Thank you for taking your time and
filling in the estimation request form.

The estimator will get in touch with
you as soon as possible.

Copyright © 2010 Prodigy Graphics All rights reserved.